Introduction to Perception and Robotics

Georgia Tech CS 3630 Spring 2020 edition


Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:


The only formal prerequisite is CS1332 Data Structures & Algorithms. Prior knowledge of fundamentals of linear algebra and probability is helpful, but not required. Background in AI and Machine Learning is not assumed. The course requires access to a laptop. If you don’t have access to a laptop, please contact the instructor ASAP. All programming assignments will be completed in Python or Java.


This course is heavily project-based. In addition to projects, there will be seven short quizzes. We’ll drop the two lowest quiz scores, so that only five of the quizzes will count toward your grade.

The grading distribution is:

Component Nr. Grade Total
Projects 7 10% 70%
Quizzes 7/5 6% 30%

The Late policy for this course will be 20% per day late, as clarified on Piazza.

Because we drop the lowest two quiz scores, we will not give make-up quizzes for class absences (even if these would normally be excused absences). If you miss a quiz, that quiz score will be dropped as one of your two lowest quiz scores.

Academic Integrity

Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. This includes cheating, lying about course matters, plagiarism, or helping others commit a violation of the Honor Code. Plagiarism includes reproducing the words of others without both the use of quotation marks and citation. Students are reminded of the obligations and expectations associated with the Georgia Tech Academic Honor Code and Student Code of Conduct, available online at For quizzes, no supporting materials are allowed (notes, calculators, phones, etc).

You are expected to implement the core components of each project on your own, but the extra credit opportunties often build on third party data sets or code. That’s fine. Feel free to include results built on other software, as long as you are clear in your handin that it is not your own work.

You should not view or edit anyone else’s code. You should not post code to Piazza, except for starter code / helper code that isn’t related to the core project.

Learning Accommodations

If needed, we will make classroom accommodations for students with documented disabilities. These accommodations must be arranged in advance and in accordance with the ADAPTS office (

Contact Info and Office Hours:

Use Piazza to ask questions and seek clarifications. If you have a very specific question (related to your grade etc.) or a question that involves your personal information (your gt id number etc.), make a private post on Piazza.

The TA Office hour will the held in the Robotics Lab i.e. Room 030 in the College of Computing building. The hours can be found here: Office Hours


The materials from this class rely significantly on slides prepared by other instructors. Each slide set and assignment contains acknowledgements. Feel free to use these slides for academic or research purposes, but please maintain all acknowledgements.