Introduction to Perception and Robotics

Georgia Tech CS 3630 Spring 2020 edition

Project 1

Due Date: Wednesday, Jan 22, 2020

We will be assembling the Duckiebot in this project. You will also be asked to answer some open-ended questions as well. Note: this project is graded out of 100 points. The submission details are provided below.

1. Hardware [50 points]

The hardware component takes over 3 hours to assemble and has been split into part 1, which you can do at home and part 2, which you’ll be doing during your lab session.

The links below outline each step with detailed videos:

Part 1: Assembling at Home

Part 2: Assembling in Lab

2. Reflection [50 points]

Answer the questions below, using approximately one paragraph per question. One submission per person.

  1. What problems did you encounter?

  2. What did you learn?


Your attendance to the hardware assembly session has been marked and students with full assembled components will get full marks for this component.

Reflection Submission:

  1. Use the proj1_report_template.pptx (found in the Files tab on Canvas) to answer the reflection questions.
  2. Save the power point file as a PDF (File > Save As > PDF).
  3. Rename the PDF to {FirstName_LastName}.pdf.

Finally, submit a pdf file containing the reflection answers on Canvas. Only one submission per person.